5 Things / Stay Relevant

Listen to the Full Episode Here:

My guest this week on 5 Things in 15 Minutes was Karen Wilkens-Mickey, VP of DEI at the Seattle Seahawks. Karen has a lot of support in her role, and we spoke about her advice for people without as much support:

“Continue to show up and share why this work is so important for your organization…Make it fresh, exciting, stay relevant, and meet people where they are. You can't force this topic. It has to really be something that's embedded…But how you do that is by really tiny steps to progress and focus on those wins…Look at what you've done and how far you've come with this work. Continue to request a seat at the table…Put yourself on the inside. Find those advocates who will help bring you in to have the conversations. You represent this work.”

Pro tip: one way to stay relevant is to share 5 Things with folks around your organization!

Karen and I had a fantastic conversation. I hope you’ll check it out.

This Week’s Good Vibes:

  1. Some U.S. Airports Strive to Make Flying More Inclusive for Those With Dementia

  2. Meet The Entrepreneur With A Plan To Create One Million Black-Owned Businesses By 2030

  3. Lyft Launches Women+ Connect

  4. Smucker’s New Hybrid Work Model

    • J.M. Smucker (which is buying Hostess) has adopted a unique hybrid work model called "core weeks." They designate 22 "core weeks" a year for in-office work, allowing employees to live far from the office. While on core weeks, employees cover their own travel costs. This approach offers flexibility, employee happiness, and cost savings. Studies show that women and underrepresented folks prefer remote work (for flexibility and fewer microaggressions), and I appreciate this creative approach to the hybrid model. Check out the article for more details on how it’s a win-win.

  5. Pinterest’s New Algorithms Want You to See Every Body Type

Call to Action:

A month full of Jewish holidays is upon us. Here are some inclusion tips from our friends at Seva Global. Shanah Tovah, to those who celebrate.


5 Things / Who Asks Who


5 Things / Evolving Roles