5 Things / Another Perspective

Listen to the Full Episode Here:

This week, in response to one of last week’s 5 Things, I received a thoughtful note from a reader offering another perspective:

After reading your blurb about conventions canceling in Florida, I wanted to provide another perspective being in the tourism industry and having been hit by travel boycotts in the past:

I fully understand the need for companies and people to take a stand – and often pulling away publicly from these communities is one big way to do that. I often do this as an individual. However, while this could have a negative backlash on Desantis eventually, it also has an immediate impact on the people working in the tourism industry in those communities – often those we are trying to support through DEI work (women, POC, LGBTQ+). It’s not a hotel owner or management company that is hurt by a meeting pulling out, but a housekeeper who is told their hours are being cut, or a waiter at a hotel restaurant who might lose their job entirely if business is down. It’s the everyday, hard-working people in that community that are hurt first.

Perhaps the long-term effect is worth it, but we shouldn’t dismiss the very real immediate impacts as well.

I wrote to agree, and if you read last week’s 5 Things, you’ll see this as another example of Yes, and...

Here Are This Week's Good Vibes:

  1. 46 Million Americans Struggle With Substance-Use Disorder and Hypertherm Associates Is Paving the Way for “Recover-Friendly Workplaces”

  2. UPS Workers Reach a Tentative Contract Deal With Management Days Ahead of Strike Deadline

  3. Tech Company CHANI Is Proving Why Caring for Your Employees Pays Off

    • Check out this primer for smaller companies on how to create the win-win of increased revenue and happy employees. CHANI, an astrology-focused tech and media company, offers living wages starting at $80,000, seven weeks of company-wide shutdowns, a four-day work week, and stipends for personal growth and more. They’ve also achieved over 50% annual growth in subscribers and revenue since its 2020 launch and donate 5% of revenue to the non-profit FreeFrom. CHANI's model highlights that prioritizing employees' financial and emotional needs can lead to increased engagement, productivity, and retention.

  4. Swift Stunned the Eras Tour’s Trucking Staff by Giving Each Trucker a Check in the Amount of $100,000

  5. Wisconsin’s First Universally Accessible Park Breaks Ground in Wauwatosa

Call to Action:

Minette Norman’s book The Boldly Inclusive Leader, is here! You can order it for release on August 8 right here. Minette was a delightful 5 Things in 15 Minutes guest earlier this year.


5 Things / The Paradox


5 Things / Yes, And