Transgender Workplace Training Mandated in California

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Update: this went into effect January 1, 2018

In California, a bill awaiting the governor's signature is designed to help reduce the 15% transgender unemployment rate (three times the national average). The bill would require employers with 50 or more employees to:

  • Modify mandatory sexual harassment training curricula for supervisors to include discussion of gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation protections.

  • Post transgender worker’s rights.

  • Enroll transgender workers in job training programs.

Currently, in the state of California, unlike in 27 other states, it's illegal to discriminate against someone transgender in hiring practices.

This new bill is in addition to a new law in California which requires all public single stall restrooms to be marked as "all gender."

Equality Institute is prepared to deliver the training that will be required by California should this bill become law. Our live and e-learning options will make it convenient for your team to be brought up to speed on the changing workplace landscape. Is your team ready?


Trangender-inclusive public policies


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